Christian Ceremony In The Name Of Jesus Christ
Same Sex Bride/Bride
For This Joyous Occasion Christian Ceremony in the Name of Jesus Christ~ Example for same sex ceremony 2 brides~
This is a beautiful wedding ceremony for those of the Christian faith looking for a ceremony celebrated and blessed in the name of Jesus Christ. Keep in mind all wording can be tailored to fit your desires. You may want to customize it using my “Build A Ceremony Menu”
This is a beautiful wedding ceremony for those of the Christian faith looking for a ceremony celebrated and blessed in the name of Jesus Christ. Keep in mind all wording can be tailored to fit your desires. You may want to customize it using my “Build A Ceremony Menu”
The greeting:
Officiant: I address the couple & the guests:
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all!
We welcome each of you to this joyful occasion. We are gathered here today to celebrate the coming together in love of ___ and _____. We remember that marriage is a time when growing love is made public, when two people share mutual promises before God and before us. We join in our support of them as they offer themselves to each other. We celebrate their joy, their love, and their expectations.
On behalf of ___ and _____ I would like to thank you all for sharing this happiest of days with them. They would also like to acknowledge loved ones who are no longer physically with us, but are here with us in spirit today as we celebrate this joyous occasion.
Officiant: I address the couple & the guests:
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all!
We welcome each of you to this joyful occasion. We are gathered here today to celebrate the coming together in love of ___ and _____. We remember that marriage is a time when growing love is made public, when two people share mutual promises before God and before us. We join in our support of them as they offer themselves to each other. We celebrate their joy, their love, and their expectations.
On behalf of ___ and _____ I would like to thank you all for sharing this happiest of days with them. They would also like to acknowledge loved ones who are no longer physically with us, but are here with us in spirit today as we celebrate this joyous occasion.
Invocation (this is the beginning prayer to “invoke” or ask god to be present and bless this service)
Let us pray
Our Father, love has been your richest and greatest gift to the world. Love between two souls which matures into marriage is one of your most beautiful types of loves. Today we celebrate that love. May your blessing be on this wedding service. Protect, guide, and bless ___ and _____ in their marriage. Surround them and us with your love now and always.In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Let us pray
Our Father, love has been your richest and greatest gift to the world. Love between two souls which matures into marriage is one of your most beautiful types of loves. Today we celebrate that love. May your blessing be on this wedding service. Protect, guide, and bless ___ and _____ in their marriage. Surround them and us with your love now and always.In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
(****If you would like, this is a good place to add a favorite bible verse, poem or reading read by a family member of the Officiant)
Charge to ___ and _____ (the charge is addressed to the ___ and _____. It is a preparation for the vows you are about to take):
The union into which you are now about to enter is the closest and most tender into which human beings can come. It is a union founded on mutual experience and affection and to believers in the Lord Jesus Christ; it is a union in the Lord. Marriage is Gods institution, intended for the happiness and welfare of human kind.
Remember that love alone will avail as the foundation of a happy home. Let Christ be your example. Let the apostle Paul be your teacher, who wrote” Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” If you keep this steadfast love ever before you and remaining faithful to each other, resolutely endeavor to fulfill the vows you now make, God’s blessings will be upon you, and the home you establish will endure through life’s every change.
The union into which you are now about to enter is the closest and most tender into which human beings can come. It is a union founded on mutual experience and affection and to believers in the Lord Jesus Christ; it is a union in the Lord. Marriage is Gods institution, intended for the happiness and welfare of human kind.
Remember that love alone will avail as the foundation of a happy home. Let Christ be your example. Let the apostle Paul be your teacher, who wrote” Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” If you keep this steadfast love ever before you and remaining faithful to each other, resolutely endeavor to fulfill the vows you now make, God’s blessings will be upon you, and the home you establish will endure through life’s every change.
Betrothal/Declaration of intent (this is when you declare your action or intent to marry is a matter of free will):
To _____: _____, will you have ___ to be your wife, to live with her, respect her, and love her as God intends with the promise of faithfulness, tenderness, and helpfulness, as long as you both shall live?
_____ Responds: I will
To ___: _____, will you have ___ to be your wife, to live with her, respect her, and love her as God intends with the promise of faithfulness, tenderness, and helpfulness, as long as you both shall live?
___ Responds: I will.
To _____: _____, will you have ___ to be your wife, to live with her, respect her, and love her as God intends with the promise of faithfulness, tenderness, and helpfulness, as long as you both shall live?
_____ Responds: I will
To ___: _____, will you have ___ to be your wife, to live with her, respect her, and love her as God intends with the promise of faithfulness, tenderness, and helpfulness, as long as you both shall live?
___ Responds: I will.
Now that you have declared your intentions, I invite you to share your vows with one another.
Officiant: _____, repeat to ___, after me, these words:
I, _____, receive you,___ as a gift of the Divine Grace of God,
(_____ says): I, _____, receive you,___ as a gift of the Divine Grace of God,
And I promise, to stand beside you and with you always;
(_____ says): And I promise, to stand beside you and with you always;
Through times of laughter and tears,
(_____ says): Through times of laughter and tears,
Health and sickness,
(_____ says): Health and sickness,
In plenty and in want,
(_____ says): In plenty and in want,
At work and at play
(_____ says): At work and at play
I promise to cherish you,
(_____ says): I promise to cherish you,
And to always hold you in highest regard.
(_____ says): And to always hold you in highest regard.
For as long as we both shall live
(_____ says): For as long as we both shall live
Officiant: _____, repeat to ___, after me, these words:
I, _____, receive you, ___ as a gift of the Divine Grace of God,
(___ says): I, _____, receive you,___ as a gift of the Divine Grace of God,
And I promise, to stand beside you and with you always;
(___ says): And I promise, to stand beside you and with you always;
Through times of laughter and tears,
(___ says): Through times of laughter and tears,
Health and sickness,
(___ says): Health and sickness,
In plenty and in want,
(___ says): In plenty and in want,
At work and at play
(___ says): At work and at play
I promise to cherish you,
(___ says): I promise to cherish you,
And to always hold you in highest regard.
(___ says): And to always hold you in highest regard.
For as long as we both shall live
(___ says): For as long as we both shall live
Now that you have declared your intentions, I invite you to share your vows with one another.
Officiant: _____, repeat to ___, after me, these words:
I, _____, receive you,___ as a gift of the Divine Grace of God,
(_____ says): I, _____, receive you,___ as a gift of the Divine Grace of God,
And I promise, to stand beside you and with you always;
(_____ says): And I promise, to stand beside you and with you always;
Through times of laughter and tears,
(_____ says): Through times of laughter and tears,
Health and sickness,
(_____ says): Health and sickness,
In plenty and in want,
(_____ says): In plenty and in want,
At work and at play
(_____ says): At work and at play
I promise to cherish you,
(_____ says): I promise to cherish you,
And to always hold you in highest regard.
(_____ says): And to always hold you in highest regard.
For as long as we both shall live
(_____ says): For as long as we both shall live
Officiant: _____, repeat to ___, after me, these words:
I, _____, receive you, ___ as a gift of the Divine Grace of God,
(___ says): I, _____, receive you,___ as a gift of the Divine Grace of God,
And I promise, to stand beside you and with you always;
(___ says): And I promise, to stand beside you and with you always;
Through times of laughter and tears,
(___ says): Through times of laughter and tears,
Health and sickness,
(___ says): Health and sickness,
In plenty and in want,
(___ says): In plenty and in want,
At work and at play
(___ says): At work and at play
I promise to cherish you,
(___ says): I promise to cherish you,
And to always hold you in highest regard.
(___ says): And to always hold you in highest regard.
For as long as we both shall live
(___ says): For as long as we both shall live
Exchange of rings:
Officiant: May we please have the rings
At this point the designated person will give the rings to the Officiant.
Heavenly Father we ask for your blessing on these rings that _____ and ___ are about to exchange. Grant that the love which they feel for one another on this day resides always in their hearts. May these rings forever remind them of the vows which they have pledged to one another today, and may their compassion and kindness for each other always be, as these rings, with no beginning and no end. In Jesus name we pray, Amen
To _____: _____ will you take this ring and place it upon ___’s finger, and as you do, repeat to her, after me, these words:
I give you this ring,
(_____ says) I give you this ring,
As a symbol of my vow
(_____ says) As a symbol of my vow
And with all that I am
(_____ says) And with all that I am
And all that I have
(_____ says) And all that I have
And with it, I may you
(_____ says) And with it, I marry you
And join my life with yours
(_____ says) And join my life with yours
To ___: ___ will you take this ring and place it upon _____’s finger, and as you do, repeat to her, after me, these words:
I give you this ring,
(___ says) I give you this ring,
As a symbol of my vow
(___ says) As a symbol of my vow
And with all that I am
(___ says) And with all that I am
And all that I have
(___ says) And all that I have
And with it, I may you
(___ says) And with it, I marry you
And join my life with yours
(___ says) And join my life with yours
Officiant: May we please have the rings
At this point the designated person will give the rings to the Officiant.
Heavenly Father we ask for your blessing on these rings that _____ and ___ are about to exchange. Grant that the love which they feel for one another on this day resides always in their hearts. May these rings forever remind them of the vows which they have pledged to one another today, and may their compassion and kindness for each other always be, as these rings, with no beginning and no end. In Jesus name we pray, Amen
To _____: _____ will you take this ring and place it upon ___’s finger, and as you do, repeat to her, after me, these words:
I give you this ring,
(_____ says) I give you this ring,
As a symbol of my vow
(_____ says) As a symbol of my vow
And with all that I am
(_____ says) And with all that I am
And all that I have
(_____ says) And all that I have
And with it, I may you
(_____ says) And with it, I marry you
And join my life with yours
(_____ says) And join my life with yours
To ___: ___ will you take this ring and place it upon _____’s finger, and as you do, repeat to her, after me, these words:
I give you this ring,
(___ says) I give you this ring,
As a symbol of my vow
(___ says) As a symbol of my vow
And with all that I am
(___ says) And with all that I am
And all that I have
(___ says) And all that I have
And with it, I may you
(___ says) And with it, I marry you
And join my life with yours
(___ says) And join my life with yours
Officiant I would like to invite _______(Guest or family member) to share a special poem with us (You may use this poem or choose your own favorite bible verse , poem or reading)
Where There Is Love (by Helen Rice)
Where there is love the heart is light
Where there is love the day is bright
Where there is love there is a song
To help when things are going wrong
Where there is love there is a smile
To make all things seem more worthwhile
Where there is love there’s a quiet peace
A tranquil place where turmoils cease
Love changes darkness into light
And makes the heart take wingless flight
Oh, blessed are those who walk in love-
They also walk with God above.
Officiant I would like to invite _______(Guest or family member) to share a special poem with us (You may use this poem or choose your own favorite bible verse , poem or reading)
Where There Is Love (by Helen Rice)
Where there is love the heart is light
Where there is love the day is bright
Where there is love there is a song
To help when things are going wrong
Where there is love there is a smile
To make all things seem more worthwhile
Where there is love there’s a quiet peace
A tranquil place where turmoils cease
Love changes darkness into light
And makes the heart take wingless flight
Oh, blessed are those who walk in love-
They also walk with God above.
Unity Candle Ceremony (this is optional)
Now we shall celebrate this union as it is symbolized through the lighting of the unity candle.
______and ________ please light the two taper candles. These candles represent your individual spirits, your individual connections with God, all that you are and, all that you have been, and all that you will become.
The center candle represents your relationship. It is the symbol of your marriage, the symbol of the joining of 2 spirits, 2 lives, 2 souls. Now you will take the tapers and light the center candle. As you do so, keep in mind the pledge you made to each other today. It is the pledge of the truth and purity of your every breath. The constant friendship of your hearts. The passion and fire of your spirits and the deepest love your souls have to give. It is the pledge of all that is within you. The only true pledge that one heart can offer to another.
You are now as a united couple offering yourselves, and all that has come to pass unto each other, towards the creation of your future, and to all that is yet to come. The candle of your marriage shall burn brightly, but the two tapers of yourselves are not diminished. You do not disappear in marriage. You remain you. But in joining, both lights are brighter, each supports the other and miracles can happen. True Love shines brightly and today is but a beautiful beginning of the miracles to come.
Now we shall celebrate this union as it is symbolized through the lighting of the unity candle.
______and ________ please light the two taper candles. These candles represent your individual spirits, your individual connections with God, all that you are and, all that you have been, and all that you will become.
The center candle represents your relationship. It is the symbol of your marriage, the symbol of the joining of 2 spirits, 2 lives, 2 souls. Now you will take the tapers and light the center candle. As you do so, keep in mind the pledge you made to each other today. It is the pledge of the truth and purity of your every breath. The constant friendship of your hearts. The passion and fire of your spirits and the deepest love your souls have to give. It is the pledge of all that is within you. The only true pledge that one heart can offer to another.
You are now as a united couple offering yourselves, and all that has come to pass unto each other, towards the creation of your future, and to all that is yet to come. The candle of your marriage shall burn brightly, but the two tapers of yourselves are not diminished. You do not disappear in marriage. You remain you. But in joining, both lights are brighter, each supports the other and miracles can happen. True Love shines brightly and today is but a beautiful beginning of the miracles to come.
Prayer: Prayer of blessing upon your new marriage
Officiant: Let us say a prayer of blessing upon this marriage
We thank you O God for the joy and excitement of this blessed Occasion. It is you who has given us life and experience and you who has led us to this present moment. We ask that you bless_____ and ___ as they begin this new phase of their journey through life. Safeguard them from perils both seen and unseen. Give them such fulfillment of mutual affection that they may reach out in love and concern for others. Let the sun always rise on their good will and let it never set without it. Abide in their home as the one who imparts value to their relationship and meaning to all their efforts. Shelter them from the tragedies so common to human life, or support them that they may stand when visited by adversity. Grant that their wills may be knit together in your will, and their spirits in your spirit that they may grow in love and peace with you and one another all the days of their life. Amen
Officiant: Let us say a prayer of blessing upon this marriage
We thank you O God for the joy and excitement of this blessed Occasion. It is you who has given us life and experience and you who has led us to this present moment. We ask that you bless_____ and ___ as they begin this new phase of their journey through life. Safeguard them from perils both seen and unseen. Give them such fulfillment of mutual affection that they may reach out in love and concern for others. Let the sun always rise on their good will and let it never set without it. Abide in their home as the one who imparts value to their relationship and meaning to all their efforts. Shelter them from the tragedies so common to human life, or support them that they may stand when visited by adversity. Grant that their wills may be knit together in your will, and their spirits in your spirit that they may grow in love and peace with you and one another all the days of their life. Amen
Inasmuch as you, _____, and you ___, have thus consented in holy matrimony and have witnessed the same before God family and friends, by virtue of the authority vested in me as an Officiant and the laws of this state, I now pronounce you married. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.
You may seal your marriage with a kiss!
Inasmuch as you, _____, and you ___, have thus consented in holy matrimony and have witnessed the same before God family and friends, by virtue of the authority vested in me as an Officiant and the laws of this state, I now pronounce you married. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.
You may seal your marriage with a kiss!
Benediction (It brings ceremony to an end. It is another blessing):
The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon you and give you peace.
It is with great honor I present to you for the first time as a married couple.___________
~End of Ceremony~
The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon you and give you peace.
It is with great honor I present to you for the first time as a married couple.___________
~End of Ceremony~